Wilderness Resources


Wilderness means different things to different people. Wilderness is often thought of as any place that is undeveloped by man. Wilderness is also defined as a protected wild place with defined boundaries such as federally designated Wilderness areas.

Definition-of-Wilderness | Why we go to the Wilderness | How we should act in the Wilderness | Wilderness Research | Wilderness Organizations | Wilderness Issues | Misc. Wilderness Sites | Wilderness Survival

Definition of Wilderness

Complete Text of the Wilderness Act
Read the text of 1964 Wilderness Act

What is Wilderness?
Defines Wilderness and answers common questions.

Why we go to the Wilderness

Getting Lost: "Isolation is the Answer"

How we should act in the Wilderness

Minimum Impact Ethics for Wilderness Use

Leave No Trace : Outdoors Ethics & Skills For Outdoor Users

Wilderness Research

NOLS Wilderness Research

Wilderness Research from the Leopold Institute

Providing an Authentic Wilderness Experience - Thinking Beyond the Wilderness Act of 1964

Letting It Be : Leisure and Wilderness

Wildland recreation and human waste: a review of problems, practices and concerns

Wilderness Organizations

Wilderness Conservation Organizations Organizations dedicated to protecting our wilderness.

Wilderness Issues

Appropriateness to Pay: Is Wilderness a Unique Recreation Experience?

The Threats of Technology to Wilderness

Wilderness Management

Threats to Wilderness

Misc. Wilderness Sites

Peak To Peak Trail and Wilderness Links - Wilderness Sites

Wilderness Quotes

Wilderness Survival

Wilderness Survival and Primitive Skills

The Psychology of Wilderness Survival

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