Backpacking Skills >> Map & compass navigation
General Map and Compass | How To Use A Compass | Reading Topographic Maps | Adjust For Magnetic Declination | Measuring Distance With Paces | Navigation Without A Compass | Navigating Switchbacks | Orienteering | Navigate Softly & Leave No Trace | Map & Compass Extras
A good overview can be found at the Map and Compass Fundamentals page, which is a long but thorough document that details compass and map topics as well as navigating around obstacles and dead reckoning. There is also the OA Guide to Map & Compass which uses info from the Backpacker's Field Manual.
Once the basics of using a map with a compass are understood you can test your mapping and compass handling skills with a Land Navigation with Map and Compass Lesson Plan.
Understanding Contour Lines is a major part of
Reading Topographic Maps but just as important is recognizing the various other Topographic Map Symbols. When you have learned about the parts of maps then Using Topographical Maps will be easier.
The Art of Hiking on Muddy Trails Tips on navigating thru muddy trails.
Low Impact Color Choices for Gear